
Angel E. Alvarez, Ph. D. Research-Consultant-Training  Political negotiation of policy reforms In contemporary pluralistic societies, new policies may spark dissent among stakeholders. In these societies, building consensus is a must for successful adoption and implementation of regulations and interventions. Consensually adopted regulations tend to be more successful than those authoritatively imposed. They are almost always the product of delicate negotiations to avoid hindrances during the implementation. The likelihood of approval of the policy proposal hangs on a great deal on the quality of problem formulation and policy design. Ill-defined problems lead to vaguely defined and therefore defective agreements. Nevertheless, the power to approve the proposal belongs to the legislature and top leaders of the executive branch. Decisions on whether or not to support the proposed policy are generally preceded by public or private conversations and debates among propon
¿Es democrático el desacuerdo sobre lo que es la democracia? Democracia en un concepto anfibológico, cuyos múltiples y laberínticos significados no sólo muestran que no existe una teoría general del gobierno popular,   sino que al mismo tiempo muestran que el disenso es consustancial a la realidad denotada por ese concepto. Boris Deweil, preguntándose acerca del porque del disenso en la democracia y acerca de la democracia, apunta desde un punto de vista teórico al centro de lo que acá se pretende plantear como problema digno de investigación empírica: “Why do people disagree about politics? One reason is that interests collide, but this explanation is too easy. Why do honest, unselfish people differ in their conceptions of the good society? Why is there no consensus among theorists who specialize in these questions? Why, for example, is too easy to identify right-wing and left-wing positions across political issues? Why are these differences recognizable in the politics of ev